Prism Platform for Research in Simulation Methods
Isosurfaces of Q-criterion extracted from DNS of a T106A vane at Re=50K at high level of synthetically generated inflow turbulence (TI=10%)
Towards Green Aviation with Python at Petascale – Simulations with PyFR on Piz Daint and Titan shortlisted for 2016 Gordon Bell Prize
Isosurfaces of solutions of the three dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation, solved using Firedrake
Firedrake based result, from a model of bioluminescence in separated flows
We develop a range of open source software
We fund a range of people to support the on-going development of our software
We regularly run regular training events and user and research workshops
PRISM is managed by a world-leading team of investigators spanning four departments across Imperial College London, University of Oxford and King’s College London.